Summer toboggan run in South Tyrol

Funbob at the Baranci

The longest summer toboggan run in South Tyrol: The Funbob at the Baranci - San Candido. Young and old race down the aluminium rail into the village. Your vehicle is a bob, and you are in charge of your own speed. Adults love this ride as least as much as their children.
Opening times
08.06.24 - 22.06.24
9.30am - 5.30pm

23.06.24 -01.09.24
9.00am - 6.30pm

02.09.24 -13.10.24
9.30am - 5.30pm

Here you can find the prices. 

Kids have to show an ID to ride the funbob!

Technical data

Speed: max. 10 m/sec
- Gradient: median 18.5% - minimum 5% - maximum 40%
- Length: 1.739 m
- Altitude differential: 314 m 


All passengers using the Summer toboggan run (Funbob) must observe all user regulations and adhere to the instructions, directions and regulations issued by 3 Zinnen AG and its staff.
In particular, Funbob passengers are subject to the following regulations and instructions:

  • By purchasing a ticket each passenger of the Funbob irrevocably accepts these regulations and instructions. (Right of recourse is excluded);
  • Purchased tickets are not refundable;
  • All passengers use the Funbob at their own risk;
  • Passengers may only use the Funbob if wearing suitable clothing and must not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • Frivolous behaviour and careless riding on the Funbob can lead to serious injuries to the driver and other persons;
  • The signs giving information and instructions at the start, end and along the Funbob must be strictly observed;
  • Children under 3 years are not allowed to use the Funbob;
  • Children up to the age of 8 may only ride if accompanied by a person who is at least 18  years old;
  • Children aged 8 years and over must ride the Funbob on their own;
  • Parents are responsible for their children using the Funbob alone or as a passenger;
  • People, with physical or mental incapacity, which are not able to guide the funbob according to the valid rules, are not allowed use the funbob, due of safety matters; 
  • People with heart or back problems and pregnant women, are not allowed to use the funbob;
  • Loose clothing and long hair must be adequately tied up and kept away from the carriageway and wheels before starting the ride;
  • Animals or umbrellas, walking sticks and other bulky, pointed or loose objects may not be transported on the funbob;
  • The instructions issued by the operating staff must be followed as you take your seat on the funbob and fasten your seatbelt;
  • The maximum permitted weight on each funbob is 127 kg;
  • Riding the Funbob is only allowed if the safety belt is worn throughout the run;
  • Unfastening the safety belt during the ride is strictly forbidden;
  • At the start, the rider must observe the traffic light and is only allowed to start when the light shows green;
  • Riding your bob into the back of another rider is strictly forbidden. A minimum distance of 50 m from the bob in front must be maintained;
  • The rider causing a collision is liable for all consequences and damages caused by the collision;
  • You must ride at a speed so that there is no danger to yourself or any other riders. However, you should not ride too slowly;
  • Stopping without reason is strictly forbidden;
  • Using electronic devices (camera, video, mobile phone) during the run is forbidden;
  • In case of rain the Funbob cannot operate for safety reasons;
  • At the end of the Funbob run and in case of rain the rider must slow down to walking speed;
  • Crossing the Funbob guiding rail is strictly forbidden;
  • In case of non-compliance with these regulations, the use of the Funbob may be prohibited by the staff;
  • The operating staff are at your service at all times for information and advice;
 selbstaendiges-zusteigen-verbotenIndipendent access forbidden! halteverbotDo not stop!
 nicht-an-die-bahn-fassenDo not touch the track! auffahren-verbotenNo collusion!
 nicht-hinauslehnenDo not lean out! anschnallenClose the seat belt and keep 
it fastened!
 rauchen-verbotenNo smoking! mindestabstandKeep a minimum distance of
50 m!
 schwangere-verbotenTobogganing during pregnancy
is forbidden!
 unter-8Children under 8 years only with
adult accompanying person!

Berge [Konvertiert]